Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Feast

So this year was my first Thanksgiving on my own. For lunch I made homemade rolls and went over to a really good friend of mine, Chris & Summer's house. The food was amazing and we had a good time checking out the Black Friday ads. Then it was time to go home and cook my own Thanksgiving meal for my Chinese friends. I decided to do the whole feast so they had a chance to see a traditional feast. They wanted to come early and help out as well so here is everyone in my kitchen helping out. We even made use of you sink for work space. 

Summer and Chris told me about turkey injection so I decided to try it. I stuffed my turkey with herb bread, butter, onion, and celery. Then I injected the turkey and then added some chicken broth. Here is the works.
When it was time to get the turkey out it wasn't even close to be done. I knew it would be a while so Chris went home and got the left over turkey from their house and we had there leftover. It was so nice of them to come to my rescue. At 9:11 p.m. after everyone was gone the turkey was finally done. I was the only one who got to enjoy the site of such a beautiful turkey. Even though the turkey didn't come out on time I still had a very grateful Thanksgiving. I was very blessed to have local friends as well as friends from the other side of the globe join me. I would have to say I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 
 I hope and pray each of you had an amazing Thanksgiving with Friends and Family! 

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