Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Backpacking Across China

So next August I will set off to learn the language and culture of the Chinese people. This four month journey will fill my Cross-Cultural Internship for my masters. The goal of the trip is to learn about life in China. I am really looking forward to learning everything I can from the people. This last Thanksgiving I spent time with many Chinese friends looking at where I should go and visit. This is the general map/plan for my travels. I will mostly be taking train to get from one place to the other. Along the way I will be staying with friends and/or family. I will be  spending most of my time in Wuhan where one of my student offered up her place. This period of time would be spent learning about living in China. All together it will be an amazing trip. I can't wait to begin my journey and to open my eyes to the Chinese culture.

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1 comment:

Summer said...

So excited for you!