My journey has been full of trusting the Lord and walking arm in arm with him. Making the decision to moved to KY for the summer was not easy. There was a lot of uncertainty with the decision. However the Lord continued to comfort and support the move. I knew he had things planned for me but what they were I had no idea. Going into this summer I knew he wanted me to focus on my relationship with him. Learning to completely rely on him and build my life completely around him. One thing the Lord has continued to lead me to is interacting with internationals. Shortly after arriving the Lord opened an opportunity to share his word with Chia-Hung. From this conversation he invited Lara and I to attend a Taiwanese BBQ - Bible Study. 
You would never image the food that they have at these type of events. I'm not sure where they got all the food but they kept bring out more and more. We had hamburgers, chicken, shrimp, steak, pork, broccoli, watermelon, and ... This meal continue for well over four hours. After filling ourselves past full we were blessed with hearing praise music in Chinese.

This was an amazing evening trusting the Lord and watching his love shine in different languages. His love truly moves the mountains and crosses the oceans. The night ended with our new friend Chia-Hung receiving a bible. This is his first bible ever and I am looking forward to watching the Lord reveal himself to him. Please keep Chia-Hung in your prayers as he begins to learn who Jesus is and what he did for us.
Revelation 3:20 - Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
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