Tonight I ask this question... Who Am I? It's a question I often struggle with and one I continually pray over day-to-day. It's not something I think you can learn about over night or something that stays the same. As I learn more about my relationship with my creator the more I learn about the details he created in my and the importance of the things I often take for granted.
One of the things I have enjoyed throughout my life is cooking. Since being on my own I have enjoyed learning to cook new and interesting things. I have loved exploring food from around the world and making new food by combining the things around my kitchen.

This past weekend I decided it was going to be a foodie weekend. I wanted to make different meals throughout the weekend so I planed to cook single servings. It worked for the most part.... I think that's the hardest thing about cooking and a single person... How in the world do you cook for one! :-)
Well after a shopping trip to stock up on some items I got to work with a piece of top sirloin. I don't usually cook steak in the winter but saw a topic on searing steak in a pan so decided to give it a try... and lets just say it won me over. I seasoned it with some garlic, rosemary, green onion, salt and pepper and then cooked it with some butter and olive oil and hummmmmmm. It was so good. After it was done cooking I cooked the mushrooms in the leftover seasoning. The side of brussel sprouts was a nice addition.

For breakfast saturday I made some of my famous crepes with banana and strawberries.... Can't forget the coffee as well. It was a great way to start the day.
Lunch was a little more on the run than I normally like because I was meeting up with a good friend for a movie. Ended up having rice with fried egg, bacon and avocado. Even through it was quick it was a nice and filling lunch.

The afternoon/evening was spent at a local winery so we of course had to try some of the local cheeses as well. How can you have wine and not have cheese.

Sunday is probably one of my favorite days because I get to explore a new restaurant with some dear friends of mine. We started this tradition not that long ago but it's something I enjoy. This week we went a little fancy. High class dining is better at lunch because it actually makes it somewhat reasonable. The menu had an prefect sides menu because it was sides and bacon. Never can you forget about the bacon. The fact they have bacon and BETTER BACON makes it oh so good. Of course we couldn't pass up a try of the BETTER BACON which was a thicker cut of bacon with maple on top.

With Monday being a holiday I took to cooking some grape leaves! Of course on a cold day why not do this by fire place. It makes the whole process much more enjoyable. Grape leaves can take quite some time to make, as well as, cook so it's always nice to make them on a lazy day where you can relax and take in the simplicity of life. I took some of the leftovers in today to my co-workers to try and for me not eat them for days. A perfect combination if I say so myself.

It's weekends like this I enjoy. It's relaxing to stop and embrace something simple that I enjoy. It always nice to forget about the craziness of life. It's a little moment/action which reminds me of me. Cooking allows me to explore and to be adventurist. It's also safe because what's the worst that happens you start over? Cooking is an outlet for me and something I use to connect to others. It's something I try to bring into my week to have an outlet to express myself and to allow others to be a part of.
So... who am I? I'm a cook!